Tyler’s Landing Residents, 

As many of you are already aware we have recently started to replace the rip rap around the ponds.  Rip rap is the rock that is placed around the shoreline for erosion control and aesthetics. This project has been discussed at board meetings for the last couple years and is one of the many factors that we considered when we made the difficult decision to raise dues. It was a costly project to take on and is one that will most likely have to be done every 10-15 years as the rock breaks down over time.  Due to these reasons the Board would like to please ask that no one throw the rocks in to the ponds and if you see others throwing them, please politely ask them to stop.   

HOA management has received several phone calls from residents asking when the last pond will be completed. When we planned this project, we evaluated the different ponds and determined which pond needed it the most as we knew that it may not all get done in one season.  Because we had a dry winter, we were able to complete two of the three ponds this year, but the last pond will not happen until next winter as we need the ground to be dry to minimize the damage to the turf and avoid additional costs to repair.

Another project that we have been working on is an update to the Tyler’s Landing website.  I am pleased to announce that it is complete and went live in the last couple of weeks.  One of the main goals of the new website is to help streamline the project approval process and provide easy access to the neighborhood covenants.  Although there may be some parts of the website that will need some fine tuning, residents can now submit their Project Approval Forms through the new website.  The form will be submitted to HOA Management Services and the board simultaneously for review.  

The Board and HOA Management also plan to use the Community News and Message Board sections to keep residents updated on community events and news, post Board meeting minutes and documents, meeting times and locations, and other useful information. There is also a contact form for residents and others interested in moving into the neighborhood to easily contact HOA Management Services with questions and comments.

The Board is committed to continuing to improve the neighborhood and will be actively discussing ideas for future neighborhood improvement projects.  If you have ideas that you believe will benefit our neighborhood please feel free to share them with us.

Thanks, Tyler’s Landing Board 



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